In this article, we will address the issue of "error:MySQL shutdown unexpectedly" without losing any data. This problem typically occurs due to damaged or corrupted MySQL files. Fortunately, resolving this issue is a straightforward process that involves utilizing the backup directory located within the MySQL directory.
Follow these steps to fix the problem:
Step 1:
Navigate to the MySQL directory on your XAMPP installation drive (usually C:\xampp\mysql). Once there, rename the existing "data" folder to "data_old." Next, create a new folder named "data."
Step 2:
After completing Step 1, access the "backup" directory located at C:\xampp\mysql\backup. Copy all the contents from this directory and paste them inside the newly created "data" directory.
Step 3:
Now, navigate to C:\xampp\mysql\data_old. Copy all the contents from this directory and paste them inside the same newly created "data" directory. During this process, you might encounter a warning message; in such a case, click on "Skip these files"
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of MySQL unexpectedly shutting down without losing any data, as the backup files and contents from the data_old directory will be utilized to restore the database.
Step 4:
Return to the C:\xampp\mysql\data_old directory once more. This time, specifically copy the file named "ibdata1." This file contains important data that needs to be restored as part of the recovery process. Once you have copied "ibdata1," proceed with the next steps to ensure a complete resolution of the issue.
Step 5:
Now, head to the C:\xampp\mysql\data directory and paste the previously copied "ibdata1" file into the newly created "data" directory. During this process, you may encounter a warning message; in this case, click on "Replace the files in the destination" to proceed.
By completing this step, you will ensure that the necessary "ibdata1" file is correctly restored to the data directory, allowing MySQL to function properly with all the necessary data files in place.
Step 6:
Congratulations! You've completed all the necessary steps to fix the issue. Now, open XAMPP and start MySQL. With the restoration process and data recovery complete, you should no longer encounter the problem of MySQL shutting down unexpectedly. Your MySQL server should now be up and running smoothly without any data loss. Feel free to verify the functionality to ensure the problem is indeed solved.