How to Send Others File (E.g. zip, rar, iso, apk) Through WhatsApp

Hello friends,

We all know that there is some certain restriction on sending files through WhatsApp. WhatsApp does not support many files formats such as .zip, .rar, .iso, .apk, etc. Even there is a limitation on file size. The maximum size of a file that WhatsApp supports is 16 MB. It means that you can not send the file through WhatsApp which is larger than 16 MB. But today I am sharing a tip by which you can send any type and any size of the file through WhatsApp.

First of all, you need to understand the online file hosting system/cloud storage.

The file hosting system is a type of computing by which a user stores his/her files on remote computers or servers and he/she can access this file through the internet. The user can share his/her file with another user. There are so many online websites such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, DropBox, Mega, etc, which provide file hosting services/online cloud storage.

Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage service provided by Google. This service is free for all Google users. You need to create an account on Google in order to use this free service. Google Drive provides 15 GB free storage. However, if you need more space then you can upgrade your account anytime.

Website: | Download Google Drive Android app


OneDrive is the file hosting service provided by Microsoft. Just like Google Drive, this service is also free. To use OneDrive, create an account at Microsoft/Outlook. OneDrive provides 5 GB free storage. If you need more space then you can upgrade your account anytime.

Website: | Download OneDrive Android app

Box is the file hosting service headquarters in Redwood City, California, U.S. It provides 10 GB free storage with 250 MB file upload limit. This may be not a good choice for you, if you want to share the file larger then 250 MB. However, you can increase the file upload limit and web space by simply upgrading your account to pro.

Website: | Download Box Android app


DropBox is the file hosting service provided by DropBox, Inc. With the basic plan, you will get 2 GB free storage. However, if you need more storage then you can upgrade your basic plan to PLUS or PROFESSIONAL.

Website: | Download DropBox Android App

Mega is the file hosting and cloud storage service. offers 50 GB free storage. If you need more storage then you can upgrade your account anytime.

Website: | Download Mega Android App

How to send others file (e.g. zip, rar, iso, apk) through WhatsApp

  • Create an account on your desire file hosting website.
  • Upload your file to the remote server.
  • Generate a shareable link to your uploaded file.
  • Copy the shareable link on clipboard
  • Send the shareable link to another user on WhatsApp.
  • The message receiver can easily download the file from the link you send through WhatsApp. That's it.

Please don't forget to share this article with your friends. If you have any question then comment us below.

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