How to Configure No-root Firewall App and Save the Mobile Data

Hello friends!

Firewall is the most common program in the world of computers but many people don't know the actual work of Firewall and don't even know that how they can use this precious program for their benefits.

Why use a no-root firewall?

Many peoples complain that their mobile phone is using too much mobile data and they need to re-active their monthly data package. Which is really expensive. So today I am sharing a trick by which you can save your internet data.

No-root Firewall is the Android applications through which you can save your mobile internet data. All you need to do is just a simple configuration.

No-root Firewall Configuration
No-root Firewall Configuration

How to configure no-root firewall

  1. Download and install No-root Firewall on your smartphone. This app is available on Google Play Store, so you can easily install this app. Click here to download No-root Firewall.
  2. Open this app and click on START button.
  3. Now you will see the screen showing your installed mobile apps. Simply click on the particular apps and mark as to give them access to the internet. You can also mark them   if you want the app to access internet only when your phone is connected to WiFi.
  4. You can also block any application to access the internet by marking as ❌.
  5. After marking all the apps, close the No-root Firewall.

By this simple trick, you can save your mobile internet data. If you have any problem, comment us below.

1 comment

  1. How the no root firewall host file
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