Design Logo and Images Using Your Android Phone or Tablet

I had to design an image for my book one day, but I was too far from my home computer which I use to design images and logos.

I quickly switched-on the mobile data and searched the Google Play Store for graphics apps. I found so many applications available on Google Play Store. I downloaded some of them and tried one by one. Most of them are totally rubbish, some of them are little useful but one app which I never regret is CREATIVE TYPOGRAPHY DESIGN.


You can create cool typo designs by this app. It has too many templates to choose from for designing great typo.  It works brilliantly on Android phones and tablets.

Some amazing features of this app are listed below.

User-friendly Interface

The interface of this app is very simple and easy to use. You don't need any training to use this app. 

Quick Click

You can see all the tools for creating/editing the image on the screen. By just a quick click, you can change the size, color, and font; and drop the shadow.

Amazing Tools

The developers integrated too many tools in this app to create the complex, simple and awesome design easily.

A lot of Fonts

This app is loaded with lots of fonts. You can select your favorite fonts for designing the image.

Stunning Templates and Backgrounds

This app is loaded with too many beautiful templates and background so you will definitely confuse to select the template; but whatever you select, it will definitely awesome. 


Different styles are available in options. You can easily choose the right one for you, e.g. gradient fill, opacity, background, stroke, shadow, etc.

Quick Save

After developing your masterpiece, you can easily save it to your SD card or phone storage. Your image will save on image gallery for future using.

You can also set your design as wallpaper.

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